Boston Limited, in partnership with NVIDIA, would like to remind our customers of significant upcoming changes to the Bright Cluster Manager product offering.
Effective September 30, 2024, Bright Cluster Manager will no longer be available as a standalone product. From October 1, 2024, it will be rebranded as NVIDIA Base Command Manager and will only be available as part of the NVIDIA AI Enterprise software suite.
End of sales: No new sales, renewals or expansions of Bright Cluster Manager as a standalone product after September 30, 2024.
Transistion to NVIDIA AI Enterprise: All future purchases, renewals, and expansions will require the purchase of NVIDIA AI Enterprise, which now includes the Base Command Manager.
Customer communications: Bright Cluster Manager customers will receive notifications about the transition to NVIDIA Portals, including details about accessing the "NVIDIA APPLICATION HUB."
Subscription expiry: Customers nearing the expiration of their Bright Cluster Manager/Base Command Manager subscription will receive advance notifications. Please coordinate with your NVIDIA account team to explore the available options.
We encourage all our customers to prepare for these changes and to reach out with any questions or concerns. For further information, please contact your Boston Limited representative.
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