5 things you need to know about IoT in business
There are currently over 15 billion IoT devices and by 2020 it is estimated this will grow to between 50 and 70 billion devices connected to the internet (Marr, B. 2017). This means the ways we can use them is endless. Many businesses are adopting IoT into their workplace as it allows huge amounts of data to be processed in shorter periods of times. This will result in companies being able to sort through all their data more easily and access relevant information more efficiently. Supermicro were first-to-market their IoT Embedded Solutions optimised for New 8th Gen Intel® Core™ Processors. They are designed with new long-life platforms with high-grade components to provide high reliability and availability.
There are many ways how IoT can benefit businesses but what are the important things you should know?
1. IoT can improve decision-making and management
If your company relies on manufacturing or storage then having high-tech devices will be a huge help to workers as keeping track of inventory will be easier as the system will be able to tell you when there is a stock change and can notify you if you need to order anything so that this does not have to be a manual process. It can also help staff who work from home as they will be connected to the internet wherever they are and can access what they need to remotely.
2. AI Element
As IoT devices can be everywhere, the additional AI element of it all can allow the data to be used in an intelligent way. An example would be a CCTV system recording any movement it picks up. Using AI means the camera would be able to detect whether it was picking up a person or anything else like trees moving or a cat walking past and then realising it only needs to record the person walking so that it can free up space by not recording everything.
3. Efficiency and Productivity
It's not entirely about speed - you can also get tasks done in less time. The same goes for online shopping - consumers can find almost anything they look for online and can get it as soon as the next day. IoT systems can help companies serve customers quicker which may lead to needing fewer staff or the opportunity to expand the business. If there is an issue, the majority of the time customers can speak to someone through an online chat service and instead of describing the problem, customer service operators can go straight to identifying the issue and offer a solution or a replacement if needed. Thanks to this, customers will experience quick and efficient service.
4. Security
Hiring physical security would be very limited as one person cannot be everywhere at once. Thanks to IoT, you can install cameras and access old footage at any time. If an intruder breaks in, you can set up your alarm system to automatically notify the police as well as you. Another smart way to use IoT for security reasons is to give staff digital key cards as access can be easily cancelled in case they get lost so nobody else can use that card.
5. Improving customer experience
Apart from the benefits mentioned above, IoT can be taken a step further by including customers in what they are offering. For example, self-driving cars uses IoT by having assistance systems such as 'hands-off driving' which allows users to have their hands off the steering wheel for up to 3 minutes at a time but then automatically warns them to return their hands to the wheel. Eventually this will mean cars can drive without driver assistance. Another way to use this can be in stores with on-floor cameras that are tied to AI. Retailers can understand and forecast customer reactions to sales floor promotions.
As a whole, IoT will benefit any business as it brings data and intelligence together meaning it opens up new ways of doing business. IoT won't be slowing down anytime soon but the quicker your business implements it into their strategy, the more secure it will be.
You can see Supermicro's motherboards which include an Intel Gateway solution for IoT here.
If you would like to understand more about the Internet of Things, you can get in touch with us by contacting [email protected] or calling us on 01727 876 100.
Reference: Marr, B. (2017). Internet of Things (IoT): 5 Essential Ways Every Company Should Use It. Available: https://www.forbes.com/sites/bernardmarr/2017/06/20/internet-of-things-iot-5-essential-ways-every-company-should-use-it/#343e74cc1a60.
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