It takes a convergence of numerous factors in a high-performance computing (HPC) cluster to drive application performance as both computer power and software efficiency scale. The main goal is for the CPU/memory complex along with the HPC Fabric interconnect to provide scalable computing power to the application.
Intel® Xeon® processors and the Intel® True Scale Fabric provides the scalable power used by ANSYS Fluent* software and many other HPC applications. Performance results demonstrate how effectively performance can scale when a purpose-designed HPC cluster network such as the Intel True Scale Fabric supplies the cluster scaling power, all while each generation of application software becomes more efficient and each CPU generation gains in processing power.
HPC applications need to scale in every aspect of clusters to reduce the wall-clock time needed get to the required answers. ANSYS Fluent is a state-of-the-art application that falls into the computational fluid dynamics (CFD) classification. It contains the wide-ranging physical modeling capabilities needed to model flow, turbulence, heat transfer, etc. An example of this is the ability to model air flow over a plane wing before it is even built. This reduces overall design costs and enables design optimization before the first prototype needs to be built.
To help our clients make informed decisions about new technologies, we have opened up our research & development facilities and actively encourage customers to try the latest platforms using their own tools and if necessary together with their existing hardware. Remote access is also available
The annual GPU Technology Conference is returning once again in San Jose, California!